Life is full of major events that call for songs of celebration, healing, union, and being. The power of sound has the potential to uplift, inspire, heal, and seal an intention.

Cornflower, the solo vocalist and live-looping touring musician, has created an offering just for these moments. Whether it’s a Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, Birth, Death, Divorce, Managing a Health Diagnosis, Surgery, Healing, or Recovery, or even to support you or a loved one for a big announcement, or a job interview, Cornflower is ready to create a SONG FOR YOUR LIFE for you, your loved one, or colleague.


In the SFYL Zoom session, Cornflower will begin by creating an intentional container for you to go over the intention/why for the song, and some history behind the reason for the song.

Cornflower will then create the song “Live and in the Moment” just for you (or your friend, family member, or colleague) while simultaneously recording the song to keep at home or on the go as a digital download or to stream.

May this SONG FOR YOUR LIFE be the gift that keeps on giving!

Schedule now, and Cornflower will be in touch shortly!